Almonds’ versatility adds value globally

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The extent of the versatility of almonds as a value-adding ingredient is evident in the breadth of categories in which new products with almonds as an inclusion were launched last year. The ‘Top-50’ subcategories are tabled below. The five categories with the most number of almond inclusions were: Cereal and energy bars, Snack nuts and seeds, Cold cereal, Sweet biscuits and cookies, and Snack mixes.

NPD Almonds by Subcategory:

1Cereal & Energy Bars1145
2Snack Nuts & Seeds1012
3Cold Cereal955
4Sweet Biscuits/Cookies946
5Snack Mixes822
6Cakes-Pastries & Sweet Goods946
7Chocolate Pieces- Unwrapped822
8Chocolate Blocks732
9Dairy Alternative Drinks486
10Chocolate Pieces- Wrapped445
11Dairy Based Ice Cream & Frozen Yoghurt411
12Other Sugar Confectionery382
13Baking Ingredients & Mixes332
14Sports Bars257
15Nut Spreads252
16Hot Cereal138
17Non-Dairy Ice cream & Frozen Yogurt128
18Spoonable Non-Dairy Yogurt123
19Baby Cereals & Biscuits102
20Chocolate Bars101
21Bread & Bread Products74
22Chilled Desserts74
23Savory Biscuits/Crackers73
24Spoonable Dairy Yogurt71
25Toffee & Fudge68
26Sports Protein Based Rtd63
27Ambient Desserts61
28Other Chocolate Confectionery54
32Frozen Desserts41
33Baby Snacks39
34Vegetable Based Snacks39
35Fruit Based Snacks38
36Chocolate Spreads36
37Prepared Salads36
39Sports Others34
40Other Baby Food33
41Malt & Other Hot Beverages32
42Main Dishes31
43Finger Foods/Hors D'oeuvres30
44Iced Coffee30
45Pickled Condiments/Chutney30
46Meal Replacements & Other Drinks29
47Pasta Sauces29
49Read Meals24
50Cooking Sauces22